A Visit from St. Nicholas, as improved by President Trump
Merry Christmas Eve everyone! I hope this holiday season has brought you some happiness and relaxation in the comfort of family and...
A New Addition to CitizenJane!
I am happy to announce a new section to the blog! I will be experimenting with giving the option for video and audio debates. The format...
The Greatest Strength of John McCain: His Failure
Like many, I was deeply saddened by the passing of Senator John McCain this past weekend. As is apparent by the great outpouring of grief...
Racing to Save Our Democracy
Guys, I am tired. Beat, run-down, exhausted (enter more synonyms for overwhelmed here please) The news just keeps coming at us from all...
A new project comes to Citizen Jane! Welcome to "Make Me Understand"
As part of a new installment for Citizen Jane, I am starting a new project called Make Me Understand. This project is based on the...
Guest Post! Exploring the Racism of the Presidents of the United States
In an effort to expand the reach of the blog, I will now be adding occasional guest posts on thought-provoking topics and opening them up...
Sex Ed for Adults
As a woman, hell, as a human, these past weeks of sexual harassment and abuse allegations have been pretty damn depressing. What is wrong...

Live Debate!
So public speaking. We have never been best of friends. Generally, I prefer when my skin stays within its natural shades (beet red is not...
Charlottesville and the First Amendment
To utilize an adjective familiar to our President, today I am sad. I am sad because our great nation is embarrassing itself in a bath of...
Let's play ball
This past Wednesday, we experienced another national tragedy at the hands of a lone gunmen. James T. Hodgkinson fired upon a baseball...